Move over Man-Caves, it’s time for a She-Shed!
We’ve done our fair share of man-cave buildings over the years, but lately the ladies are stealing the spotlight with the new she-shed trend, and why not!? The ladies need a space to relax and unwind too! We’re happy to share some of the projects we’ve done with the design-diva in mind, be sure to check them out below!
Kathy Taylor of Cedarburg, Wisconsin runs a successful business
Kathy’s business is called Kamaria Fine Jewelry. Where does she run her business out of? She runs it out of her 96 square foot Copper Creek Summerwood building! Kathy’s Copper Creek building functions as not only her she-shed, but as the home of her highly successful jewelry and interior design business. We strongly recommend checking out her work by following her on Twitter @KamariaJewelry. You’ll be glad you did!
Click here for more information about Kathy’s Copper Creek she-shed on our website.
Charlotte of California wrote a lovely piece to share her story about her gardening she-shed dream:
“My garden is my sanctuary and escape from the daily trials and tribulations. When I garden, I am content. Consequently, I often refer to my garden as my heaven on earth.
I have dreamed about a garden shed since we moved into our home more than 25 years ago. The original plan called for a shed; however, all we could afford was the concrete pad for the shed.
Sometimes there would be an article about garden with a shed; that article would find its way in my garden dream file. Occasionally, there would be an ad for sheds and I would send off for the brochure and that too would go in my file. With the advent of internet, I would surf the internet for sheds. Summerwood was bookmarked and periodically, I would drop by and dream.
Last year, my dream came true. My Summerwood shed has changed the entire dynamic of my garden. No longer do I have to look (hunt sometimes would be a better description) for my garden tools and supplies—they now are in my shed which I have named “Tulip House” (the weathervane features a tulip and hummingbird). Included in my Tulip House is a desk, cabinet, tool racks, bins for fertilizer, potting soil. I plan to add a shelf along the long side above the door to store baskets and other items that are used infrequently.
In addition to the practical, there are other benefits which I never envisioned. Sitting at my desk in the Tulip House as I write this on my laptop; I feel as if I am part of my garden—pure magic.
Last year, my garden was the scene of garden tours and other events. Each time, my Summerwood shed has gotten rave reviews for the quality, design, and the delightful scent of cedar. I had to field so many questions about Summerwood. It was fun revealing that I designed it, it came as a kit, and that that it only took a weekend to erect. The whole process couldn’t have been easier!
Thank you Summerwood for helping me to realize my dream”.
Be sure to find more information about Charlotte’s Palmerston she-shed on our website.
Mary Ann is an avid gardener living in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Like many of our customers, she originally contacted Summerwood to help her with her backyard storage needs:
“I can’t be happier with my shed. I originally built it to rid my garage of various outdoor items, but it turned out so charming it has become my potting shed”
Click here for more information about Mary Ann’s small Palmerston she-shed on our website.
Sharon of Toronto, Ontario is a very talented artist.
But, she needed her very own space in which to create, reflect and unwind. What better place than in your very own backyard garden. Sharon not only created her very own she-shed, but her very own she-garage with lots of room for artistry!
Find more information about Sharon’s Urban Studio Garage on our website.
We look forward to helping more lovely ladies realize their design dreams and create a she-shed of their very own!
Contact us today and let’s get started on that backyard she-shed escape ladies.
Email us:
Or call us toll-free: 1 866 519-4634