We hope you are having an awesome autumn!
You may not know that a large majority of the photos we collect at Summerwood are sent in to us by our amazing customers. We love getting to see the finished product and hear about the process from them. Recently, we received photos from the Munro family who went above and beyond documenting their Glen Echo Bunkie building process. We’re so excited to share this Glen Echo Bunkie build with you, and thought it would be best told by Alan Munro himself. Thank you Alan for taking the time to take so many fantastic photos and tell us about your experience!
“I have a space at the back of my cottage that I always wanted to build a Bunkie to alleviate the pressure on the main cottage. I had previously built an outhouse near that area. My kids are getting older with partners and they needed more private space. Plus it has given me more room for guests.”
“I thought with my two sons we could have it up in a month – but it took all summer and really looks good. My experience started with the unwrapping of the skid and my son said: ‘Dad, try and lift this wall up’ and we couldn’t as the siding was so heavy. So I had to get more help to put up the walls and the heavy dormers and gable walls.”
“My sons helped me and an ex-fireman handy neighbour helped with wiring. My sons disappeared in August so I had to paint it myself and do the trim. The windows are vinyl and double-pane and they fit in like a glove. Overall, the quality of the wood was excellent – everything was straight and there was more than enough wood. I enjoyed the experience and the final result but my summer went by very quickly!”
“I relied on the internal Summerwood people to help. William was just completing some drawings so he forwarded them to me and verbally stepped me through the pages. And Jim Hickey was especially helpful giving me more detailed help and even answering the phone on a Saturday. He also sent me some photos of many angles of the structure.”
“My overall experience was great as the final product is outstanding and has been well received. My overall experience has been wonderful dealing with Brandon at the beginning and William and Jim during construction – all great employees.”
We couldn’t have said it better! Thanks Alan, we think your Glen Echo Bunkie looks spectacular, and now that it’s complete we hope you and all those who helped get a chance to relax and enjoy!
To learn more about our very popular Glen Echo Bunkie, check out this blog post “Spring Best Seller: Permit Free Cottage Bunkie”.
You can also visit our website for tons of photos and additional information: “The Ultimate Cedar Cottage Bunkie” and our Baka Bunkie Cabin Kits” page.
And as always, feel free to contact us:
Email us: design@summerwood.com
Call us toll-free: 1 866 519-4634