The location you select for your shed can have just as much of an impact on its functionality as its overall design.

Even if your shed has the perfect amount of storage and convenient access points, it will not live up to your expectations if it is placed in an awkward area or distant location.

Your shed should be front and center, yet out of the way, so you can access your tools and other belongings with ease without feeling inconvenienced by its presence.

Furthermore, the shed should balance the look and feel of your outdoor space without overwhelming the overall design.

Thankfully, you can keep the following considerations in mind while selecting your shed location to find the perfect spot for your new outbuilding.

3 Smart Considerations To Keep In Mind While Choosing Your Shed Location - Summerwood Products

Look At Your Yard Size

The size of your yard often has the biggest influence on the proper location for your shed. In addition to having space for the footprint of your shed and its trellis extension, if selected, the yard must also have room for a generous path to the doorway of your structure.

Even if you do not immediately select a trellis extension, you may want to keep room open around the perimeter of the shed for other add-ons you might like to install in the future. Unless you only have one single suitably sized spot in your yard for the shed, you will need to weigh each of the other factors equally to identify the best placement location.

Shed Space

Consider Outdoor Activities

Your shed should be placed within a reasonable distance from the areas you spend most of your time outdoors. If you have a garden in the backyard, for example, you will benefit from placing your shed in the same general area, as that will make it easier to grab the tools and supplies you need for daily maintenance tasks and complete overhauls. If you prefer to use your shed solely as an extra storage space, however, it may not be a bother if your structure is placed far from your favored relaxation spots.

It is also beneficial to take a moment and think about the types of items you will keep in the shed. If any of the items are heat or light sensitive, you may need to think about the way the sunlight will stream through the windows in each area of your yard. You will want to select a location and layout that will keep the sunlight from constantly streaming into the shed to protect your heat sensitive belongings. If you do not have other placement options, you can add UV ray inhibiting film to the east and west windows, as those windows allow sunlight to quickly heat up the building.

Backyard Shed Garden Space - Summerwood Products

Envision Decorative Elements

Your shed has the potential to look much more fitting and personalized in your yard once it is surrounded with decorative elements that integrate it into your space. Ornamental plants are an ideal decorative element due to their potentially positive impact on your mood and overall sense of well being. If you want to adorn your shed with luscious greenery, you may reap the greatest benefits by keeping the structure in sight of the areas you spend the most time in the yard.

Decorative Items For sheds - Summerwood Products

If you prefer to place a water feature near your shed, such as a pond or fountain, this is another situation where it is important to consider the size constraints of your intended placement point. It’s also very effective to do a bit of research about water lines and other elements required for these features to avoid unpleasant surprises during or after the shed construction process. Metal and rock retaining walls, raised garden beds and a patio space can all help establish the new shed as a permanent piece of your outdoor décor as well.

Purpose and Function

Another thing to keep in mind when choosing the perfect location for your shed, is to understand the purpose and functionality of the shed. Picking the right location of the shed will have an impact on its functionality, design, and purpose. Some people like the shed to be the centre of attention in the backyard, while others want it to blend nicely in with the landscape. The purpose of your shed will help with finalizing the location of the shed. While featuring accessible points, the shed should also be accessible for whatever you choose to use it as well as as an aesthetically pleasing choice. An attractive shed can help increase the value of your home, as An accessory building with a clear usage is something potential homeowners will appreciate.

Light exposure to the shed will also be a key influence on helping to decide the final location of it. This will greatly influence how much you use the shed, as if direct lights hit the shed for most of the day, it can be hot and the exterior of the shed may age faster due to the amount of light. If you’re considering turning your shed into an office, workshop or a studio, the sun beating down on it all day might become unpleasant after a while. You can also extend the amount of time you use the shed by putting some basic electric lights on the inside, perfect for those winter months.

Doors & Parallel

The doors on your shed should be placed where they work well for use. An example of this might be putting doors against the fence, however using your shed as storage for your lawn mower, therefore creating a hassle to get in and out of the shed. Consider how the landscape and surrounding foliage may change throughout the year and over time. It is best to look at the shed and see if it can be accessible all year round. It is imperative that you check and consider the surrounding landscape and how it may change throughout the year and if that will create any obstacles along the way.

Make Your Location Selection

After weighing all of the above factors, you likely have an ideal place in mind for your garden shed. Despite the majority of sheds ending up in the backyard, do not discount a location in the front yard as the perfect spot if it meets your given criteria. Remember that you can customize your shed to better fit within the confines of your yard by using Summerwood’s Design Center tool on their website.

You can also call the team at 1-866-519-4634 to discuss your yard configuration and receive help identifying the perfect shed design and placement option.


By Published On: July 20th, 2020Categories: Tips & Ideas

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